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Apr 6, 2011
The Blacksmith's Bravery (The Ladies' Shooting Club Series, #3)The Blacksmith's Bravery by Susan Page Davis

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

To be honest, I'd put off reading this book fearing it would be the all-too-typical tale of a masculine-light female lead who does it all better than the men of the Old West. Wrong! Susan Page Davis put together a cast of characters who are believable, likable, and find themselves in situations realistic for the time period of the book. Three cheers! This is the third book in a series and it reads fine as a stand alone. I haven't read the first two yet, but I will! I highly recommend this one if you enjoy a good western with a touch of romance. Content wise, it's suitable for teenagers on up. The spiritual message is subtle, not preachy, and woven deftly throughout the book.