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We had a discussion recently on the Christian Writers forum about the five star rating system. Here's my personal view on what the five stars mean:

1 star - so bad I didn't bother to finish it
2 stars - I read the whole book but don't recommend it to others
3 stars - I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to others
4 stars - I enjoyed the book and highly recommend it to others
5 stars - it knocked my socks off and I'm going to read it again... soon!

Or in other words:

1 star - nasty
2 stars - fair
3 stars - good
4 stars - great
5 stars - Oh. My. Gosh.

I adopted this understanding of my system in the spring of 2011. I used to give five stars if I liked the book and, in my opinion, that cheapens the value of a five star rating. Five stars will be few and far between, but when I give one, I'm going to mean it! (And you, gentle reader, ought to grab yourself a copy of that book.)