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Sep 6, 2011
The CoveringThe Covering by Dana Pratola

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A sizzling attraction, a touch of spiritual warfare, and characters who intrigue from the first page. What more can you ask for? How about the gospel message and redemption? Yeah, it's got all that. Buy this book. Read this book. Pass it on.

Gunnar is the bad boy, Tessa is the naive girl, the powers of good and evil are tugging at both of them. The instant attraction is compelling and a bit dangerous. Tessa walks a perilous line between her Christian beliefs and her love for a rough but gorgeous biker. Gunnar struggles with demons and his past. Neither wants the relationship they find themselves in. You have to read the book to learn how it all works out. No spoiler here!

This book is Dana Pratola's first novel. I'll be watching for her next one!


Deborah said...

Wow! sounds very good! One I WILL be buying! Thanks for the review! I love books that are not the normal-predictable books that we hear about! And ones that are things we can relate to one way or another as well. :)

Dana said...

Thanks so much for the kind words Pegg. I'm glad you enjoyed it =-D

Lisa Lickel said...

This is what authors long for, Pegg - people like you talking us up. Good job.
