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Jul 30, 2011
Grow Old With Me (The Quilt Trail Series)Grow Old With Me by Melinda Evaul

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The opening of this book is an instant attention getter. The entire first half was a page turner for me. I enjoyed getting to know the characters and the unlikely hero of this story. Melinda Evaul does a great job of creating the characters and peeling back the layers to let us see who they are. She allows them to be exceedingly human, which I find makes them all the more interesting and real. The second half dragged a bit, the ending was obvious and obstacles expected. However, it's still a good "Hallmark" type story with great characters and well worth reading. What I liked best about this story is that it illustrates the value of a person disassociated completely from physical attractiveness or physical abilities. In our culture, we tend to value the physical over the spiritual. Shame on us.

Benjamin carries his scars on his body while Sarah's scars are emotional. Neither are young anymore and change is hard. They both need to learn to trust in each other but more importantly - in God. They struggle with their own demons as they learn and grow. This really would make a good Hallmark movie. Hallmark? Are you listening?


Melinda Evaul said...

Thanks for taking the time to read and review my novel. I'm flattered by your 4 stars and insightful words. Benjamin and Sarah will always hold a special place in my heart. Creating them brought tears and joy.