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May 4, 2010
I discovered this completely by accident just yesterday. Pulling a load of wet laundry from my washer and heaving it over into the dryer, I heard an unidentifiable clatter in the belly of the dryer. Generally speaking, my laundry doesn't make that sound. I decided to investigate. Pawing through wads of wet shirts, a small object fell out and clattered again at my feet. Stuffing the wet mass back into the dryer I retrieved my flash drive that I had not realized was missing up to this point.

I did the obvious thing first, I went and looked at the place where I keep my flash drive to be sure it wasn't there and that this damp, black plastic bit wasn't an imposter. But no, my flash drive parking spot was empty. Crumbs. I gingerly put the little plastic memory device back in its normal resting place and decided to wait 24 hours for it to dry before slipping it back into my computer. Much to my delight and amazement, 24 hours later there were all my precious files, cleaned, pressed and waiting for me to search them out.

I shall sleep better tonight than I did last night, I'm sure, knowing my digital memory is intact and well - even if my neurological memory isn't. And while I have proven that you can, in fact, clean your flash drive in the washing machine, I do not recommend it. The sleepless night is hardly a fair trade for freshly laundered files. Note to self - do not put the flash drive in your pocket again... ever.


Nannie Salyards said...

Good thing that the laundry incident did not affect your flash drive! It will be frustrating to find out that you were able to save the device, but all the files were corrupted. But I advise you to keep your flash drive in a safe place. Not in your pocket or trousers, but in a secure, dry place.