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Sep 12, 2009

This is an issue I've read a good deal about on other blogs, forums and Internet sites. It's a serious question for a Christian writer. It needs to be thoughtfully and prayerfully considered.

A writer aiming to market through a Christian book publisher, should assume that profanity, steamy sexual content and gratuitus graphic violence will be unacceptable. After all, targeting these readers is akin to preaching to the choir. Don't get me wrong, choirs needs preaching as much as anyone. This type of book should not be marginalized for it's more gentle content.

However, not all Christians who write are aiming their books at a Christian publisher. They may want to reach the unreached. Does that mean their standards should change? Surprisingly, I think so.

I'm not talking about their personal standards, because those should be solidly based on the Word. However, when aiming a book at the secular market, one should be prepared to write to that market. Many people will find a book in Barnes and Noble who will never set foot inside a Family Christian Store. The message can be the same, but the language, content and/or genre need to be different to get published and reach this audience.

Sometimes we need to step outside our own comfort zones before the people we need to reach will notice us. It's a balancing act to do this without crossing the line, being in the world without being of the world. Food for thought. Fodder for prayer.