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Jul 28, 2015
The Most Eligible Bachelor Romance Collection: Nine Historical Novellas Celebrate Marrying for All the Right ReasonsThe Most Eligible Bachelor Romance Collection: Nine Historical Novellas Celebrate Marrying for All the Right Reasons by Amanda Barratt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a collection of nine short romance stories, all set at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. It's hard to rate a book of multiple stories, because some are so much better than the others. In general, I'm not a big fan of short stories, but two of these make the price of the book worth it.

There is one in here that really stood out to me titled "The Highwayman" by Shannon McNear. This story surpassed the others in the uniqueness of its main characters. Ms. McNear defied the stereotypical hero and heroine so commonly found in short romances. You can't help but connect with these two people and wish them their the desires of their hearts. I haven't read anything by this author before, but I'll be looking for her first full-length novel.

My second choice is "The Most Ineligible Bachelor in Town" by Connie Stevens for some of the same reasons. The hero and heroine are both down-to-earth people, the type you'd invite over for dinner after church. He's got his quirks and she's got some baggage, but you want them to get it figured out.

There aren't any bad stories in this collection. I just highlighted the two that really caught my eye. They are all light reading and suitable for all ages.


Shannon McNear said...

Thank you so much, Pegg! I'm so honored ... and am very glad you enjoyed Sam and Sally!