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Apr 9, 2015
The Creole Princess (Gulf Coast Chronicles, #2)The Creole Princess by Beth White
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A wonderful sequel to Beth White's The Pelican Bride. The reader is once again steeped into the history of the Gulf Coast region, now in the grip of the Revolutionary War. The part this region played in the war is not a subject often addressed, even in history textbooks or biographies of the period.

While the British, French, Spanish, and American rebels decide the fate of the colonies, Lyse Lanier does her best to provide for herself and her family. Her family, steeped in the tradition of the area, has fallen on hard times. She's too busy to worry about what happening hundreds of miles away in the northern colonies.

Don Rafael Gonzales arrives in Mobile with confidence and flair, in all outward appearance, a dandy who dabbles in trade. Quite against her will, Lyse is drawn to the handsome stranger. But he comes and goes with little rhyme or reason, and Lyse can't spend her days dreaming about the Spanish Don.

As the war presses in against the Gulf Coast, it becomes impossible for anyone to ignore it. Suspicion about who is and who isn't a loyalist to the Crown of England tears old friendships - and families - apart. New lines are drawn about who can be trusted, and who can't. Lyse and Rafael have to decide where they fall along these lines, and if they'll be on the same side, or not.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for a lovely review, Pegg!

Pegg Thomas said...

Thank you for writing a great story! I'm looking forward to the next one.