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Jun 9, 2012
Above All Earthly PowersAbove All Earthly Powers by Jack Cavanaugh

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a good way to wrap up the series.  There were situations that stretched credibility in a few places, but it's still a solid 4 stars.  This final book did a fast forward from WWII to the early 1960s and we learned what became of the Hadamar children, Lisette, and Mady.  When the Berlin Wall went up, their lives altered drastically once again.  Three people return from the dead in this book, one I expected but the other two I did not.  It added some twists and turns along the way.  I love a series ending that wraps up both the plot lines and the character arcs.  This one certainly does that!  A series very worth reading, one I highly recommend.


Melissa said...

Sounds interesting! Great review. Makes me want to read the whole series. :)