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Feb 8, 2012
The Vengeance SquadThe Vengeance Squad by Sidney W. Frost

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Chris McCowan's fiancee is murdered right in front of him and he swears off of God and on to vengeance. With his unlikely trio of helpers, he sets out to find her killers.

I had a hard time getting into this story. The first person narrative and more action than emotion made it hard for me to connect with Chris, the main character. I'm glad I stuck with it because the plot unfolds in several nice twists and turns. The second half of the book picks up nicely and the story plays out to a very satisfying ending. No spoilers here - you'll have to read it yourself! Sidney Frost left the door open for a sequel, I think, and I'll gladly read it if he comes through.