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Aug 9, 2011
Courting ConstanceCourting Constance by Teryl Cartwright

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A delightful romp through the season in Bath with the unpredictable Constance in full pursuit of Sir Geoffrey. Gleefully breaking the bonds of propriety, Constance tries her hand at courting the gentleman in question. Nothing goes smoothly as the story twists and turns through one painful life lesson after another. I highly recommend this book to anyone of any age looking for a fun, light romance.


Teryl Cartwright said...

Dear Pegg
Thanks for your kind review--it means a lot to me. I'm glad you enjoyed the book! Sincerely, Teryl

Pegg Thomas said...

You're welcome! I posted on Amazon and Goodreads too. Happy to spread the word when I find a good book. :)