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Jun 5, 2011
Towers of Midnight (Wheel of Time, #13; A Memory of Light, #2)Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow. The world Robert Jordan created has been further blessed by the talents of Brandon Sanderson. I marvel at the incredible job Mr. Sanderson is doing of continuing this series after Mr. Jordan's death. The characters are true. The storyline is consistent. The twists and turns are fascinating. And the pace and intensity are much improved.

This one doesn't wrap up the story - there will be a book fourteen - but it does wrap up several loose ends in a very satisfying way. I don't want to put out any spoilers for those who haven't read it yet, all 843 pages. I "saved" this one until I had a week off from work. I've had it on my bookshelf these past four and a half months. There are some books that require sufficient time to truly delve into. This is one of them.

My only disappointment is the amount of grammatical errors and typos in this book. I don't remember any of the previous Wheel of Time books having this many. Perhaps in the rush to get this book into print... someone cut a corner or two too many. The folks at Tor should know better!