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Nov 20, 2014
Stallions at Burnt Rock (West Texas Sunrise #1)Stallions at Burnt Rock by Paul Bagdon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Lee Morgan was a lady working a man's job in a man's world. Raising horses on a Texas ranch was hard enough, but  at the end of the War Between the States, ex-soldiers roaming the land made it more dangerous. She and fellow horse rancher Jonas Dwyer decide to drum up buyers for their animals by staging a race. Their plan drums up a lot more than just horse buyers. Marshall Ben Flood has his hands full. This race will change all their lives.

If you like westerns you'll enjoy this story. If you know horses, you'll enjoy it. Love a western with accurate horse-sense in it! But the relationships between the characters just doesn't spark a lot of emotion, except between Lee and her ranch foreman, Carlos. The genuine friendship and respect between them comes through beautifully.