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Jun 20, 2013
Courting HopeCourting Hope by Jenna Mindel

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nothing ruins your day like learning your old flame is your new boss – and your new pastor. Especially when your old flame never returned the feelings – and was involved in your sister’s accidental death.

Hope Petersen would like nothing more than to quit and walk away, but if she does, she loses her chance of opening a Christian preschool. Sinclair Marsh would rather use the money to build a youth center for the teens.

Working side-by-side as pastor and secretary, they are thrown together far too often for comfort. Sinclair hardly recognizes his “buddy” from their teen years. Hope can’t trust Pastor Marsh isn’t the same reckless young man she knew as Sin.

Sparks fly from the first page in this rollicking and spirited romance. Plenty of twists to keep the reader turning the pages. I can highly recommend this book!