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Apr 22, 2013
winds of wyomingwinds of wyoming by Rebecca Carey Lyles

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoy a book about flawed characters who overcome their situation - or themselves - to grow into the person God intended them to be.  Winds of Wyoming is that kind of story.  And it has a handsome cowboy... so how could it go wrong?!

Kate Neilson is trying to turn over the proverbial new leaf.  With her criminal background, this is no easy task.  With a goon from prison following her across the country, it's even harder.

Mike Duncan can't let go of his past.  When Kate walks onto his ranch, he begins to think of a future, unaware that she also has a past.

When buffalo turn up dead and money disappears, all sorts of secrets surface.  Plenty of twists and turns as this story unfolds.  They'll keep you turning the pages!  Suitable for high school and older due to some adult issues.