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Feb 20, 2011
Mended HeartMended Heart by Mary Manners

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Mended Heart is a sweet story with enough emotion to keep one turning the pages. The story contrasts two people with vastly different backgrounds who must both overcome their upbringing before they can move on with their lives. The characters were engaging and easy to identify with.

I did find the repetitive and sometimes over-the-top descriptions a bit wearing and they had a tendency to pull me out of the story. The author worked too hard to use less common comparisons, which often resulted in me having to stop the storyline and think about her descriptions. And I may have developed an aversion to spearmint gum after reading about it over and over again.

But the writing aside, the story was worth the read, a good take-along book for the beach or on-the-go reading.


Karen Lange said...

Appreciate your realistic and honest assessment of the book. Thanks for coming by my blog; I appreciate it. It's nice to meet you!
Have a great week,
Karen :)