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Jul 17, 2015
Midnight on the Mississippi (Secrets of the South Mysteries #1)Midnight on the Mississippi by Mary Ellis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Romantic suspense is not my go-to genre to read, but I've enjoyed many of Mary Ellis's books, so I thought I'd give it a try. I was not disappointed!

Loved the spunky heroine, Nicolette Price, from the rural backwater of Mississippi. She's a wonderful contrast to the hero, Hunter Galen, who is from the "old money" of New Orleans.

Like most suspense stories, there is a body count. It's up to Nicki, with her brand new P.I. license, to find out who is behind the murders, both current and in the past. And she needs to do that under the jealous eye of an adversary in 4" heels.

There's a lot going on, both in the current timeline and from Nicki's past, to keep the reader turning the pages with plenty of fun banter and toe-clenching romance. Read it!