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Jan 27, 2015
The Last HeiressThe Last Heiress by Mary Ellis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mary Ellis at her best. I've read several of Mary's books and The Last Heiress tops them all.

British heiress Amanda Dunn travels to North Carolina. She plans to renew her relationship with her estranged twin sister, the one who shamed the family by running away and marrying an American. But she also needs to reestablish cotton shipments to her father's textile mills in Yorkshire.

Reuniting with her sister is easy. Bucking the American Civil War, however, proves much more of a challenge. And falling in love with a common working man? Preposterous.

A tender romance with a wide variety of characters gives an interesting glimpse into the fading years of the Civil War from the sea port of Wilmington, North Carolina.