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Nov 15, 2013
For Love or Loyalty (The MacGregor Legacy, #1)For Love or Loyalty by Jennifer Hudson Taylor

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really want to give this one a 4.5 - but of course that's not allowed. 

Jennifer Hudson Taylor has crafted yet another wonderful story with a Scottish burr.  Malcolm MacGregor and Lauren Campbell come from warring clans.  When Malcolm's mother and sister are stolen away by Lauren's father and sold as indentured servants in the colonies, Malcolm takes Lauren and follows after them.  On the journey, he struggles between his hatred of the father and his growing respect for the daughter. 

My favorite part of this story is that Malcolm's growth from clannish thug to hero, happens in the first half of the story. The second half is working through the consequences of his actions.  Working through those are where these characters really shine.

There is some more adult content - tastefully done - but enough to say this story is more suitable for older teens on up.  I highly recommend it!